Important Information
New students, including kindergarteners, can be registered online through the district website.
School Hours
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday:
Breakfast will be sent home at the end of the day to be eaten at home the next morning.
Classroom Doors Open/School Begins: 8:55 a.m.
Dismissal: 3:30 p.m.
Office Hours: 7:30 am -4:30 pm
Our schools will open one hour late every Wednesday beginning Wednesday, September 15th. On these days, bus routes run one hour later than scheduled. Teachers and principals use this one-hour of extra time to plan and implement school improvements. Increasing academic achievement will be the focus of these planning periods. Below is the schedule for Wednesdays:
Breakfast will be sent home at the end of the day to be eaten at home the next morning.
Classroom Doors Open/School Begins: 9:55 a.m.
Dismissal: 3:30 p.m.
Office Hours: 7:30 am -4:30 pm
It is very important for your student to be at school on time each and every day! Our expectation is for students to be at school no later than 9:00 (10:00 on Wednesday). This provides them time to transition into class and be ready for the instructional day to begin.
Students should not arrive at school before 9:00 a.m. Due to safety concerns we do not want students to gather in large groups unsupervised, and there is no supervision available inside or outside on the playground before school. Students are not allowed to play unsupervised on equipment before school.
School Calendar
View the elementary grade level calendar here.
Please call the office at 503-256-6531 by 9:15 AM when your child is going to be absent. If we do not receive a call, the office will attempt to contact the parent. You may also email Karen Ortiz, our Records Secretary at If we do not receive a call or email, the office will attempt to contact the parent or emergency contacts.
Gilbert Park is pleased to offer breakfast and lunch at no charge to all students. Due to safety concerns, and not wanting to gather large crowds in the cafeteria for breakfast, we will send breakfast home with students at the end of each day to be eaten at home the next morning. I encourage you to take advantage of this service.
Families will not need to purchase or bring in their own school supplies. Instead, our district is purchasing the start of the year supplies for all students. Please make sure that your child brings a regular-sized backpack to school every day.
The kindergarten classes will be taking a short snack break during the day because they have a late lunch. There is a one-time snack fee of $15 per child. This will cover the entire school year. Classroom teachers will use this money to purchase items in bulk. You may pay this fee the first week of school or have your student give the money to the office. We accept checks, cash or credit cards.
Each Wednesday your child will bring home a folder containing important school and classroom information. Please check your child’s backpack and folder each week. You will also receive weekly school emails with information about upcoming events. Please feel free to email our school principal, Stacie Moncrief at, or call 503-256-6531 if you have any questions regarding information shared.
All doors are locked the entire day. All visitors and volunteers must enter through the front doors by ringing the doorbell. Once you ring the doorbell the office staff will let you into the building. Please follow all safety precautions such as wearing a mask, social distancing, and using hand sanitizer. Our staff is here to help, so if you have any questions please ask.
Please try to schedule all appointments after dismissal so your child does not miss the end of the day activities. If it’s essential that you pick up your child early, they will not be released without a parent or designated adult signing them out from the office. Please keep all of your your emergency contacts and numbers up to date.
Please follow this link to our Versatrans system to access and see what your student’s bus schedule and stop location is. Detailed instructions are included on how to access this information.
If you have any questions about the routes please call the Bus Garage at (503) 256-6526.
Kindergarten Students Only: You will be given a bus tag for your child’s backpack. Please make sure your student has the tag on their backpack every day. Our number one goal is to get your child to and from school safely. To ensure your child’s safety the district has a policy that an adult must be waiting at the bus stop. Bus drivers will not let a kindergarten student off the bus without an authorized adult present.